Our experienced team consists of professionals specialized in anesthesiology and pediatric anesthesia.

Our operating room team consists of anesthesiologists specialized in pediatric anesthesia who have worked in both Quebec's quaternary pediatric hospitals and respiratory therapists with years of experience in anesthesia assistance and pediatric clientele.

To learn more about our clinic,
here are some video links:

Nos dentistes partenaires sont
des experts sur la carie infantile.

Here is a link to a report on this topic by Dr. Annie-Claude Lussier-Morin:

Si votre enfant vient à la clinique AGM pour une chirurgie de tubes dans les oreilles (myringotomie ou tube trans-tympanique) :


Questions for the anesthesiologists

Do you have any questions?

You can check the FAQ tab or simply send us a question via this form.

It is important to ensure that the email address to reach you is valid.

5640 rue Paré
Mont-Royal, QC | H4P 2M1

514 955-6787